Modern and precise tool for effective planning
of construction maintenance

Cost savings Time savings User-friendly Identification of needs Increase of lifecycle

About MaintBase

  • Based on the ECMP methodology (Effective Construction Maintenance Planning).
  • Connection of budgets for maintenance to local cost systems.
  • A tool for sustainable and effective planning of construction maintenance.
  • Helps decrease costs for maintenance and rehabilitation through the whole life cycle (LCC).
  • Helps prolong the lifespan of a building due to effective maintenance planning.
  • Helps improve safety and comfort of building users.
  • Helps minimize the risk of disorders and malfunctions of civil constructions.
  • Helps decrease the ecological impact on the environment.
  • Creates an adequate budgeting reserve for the whole life cycle (LCC).
  • Improves the worth of each building/construction object due to regular
    and quality maintenance and improves the attractiveness for future investors/clients.
  • Improves communication due to effective links among facility managers,
    technical teams and suppliers through the central information
    management system regarding maintenance.
  • Makes the decision-making procedure easier due to clear and precise
    information about maintenance, rehabilitation and renewal.

„MaintBase brings solutions that secure long-term efficiency, sustainability and better maintenance of your construction objects/buildings“

What can MaintBase do?

Maintenance planning It enables automatic and effective planning of maintenance of construction objects/buildings.
Predictive maintenance Thanks to data analysis, it can predict the time of maintenance and therefore minimize the risk of sudden disorders and crashes.
Cost optimization It precisely monitors and analyzes operational costs, helps optimize budgets and plan the costs for maintenance and rehabilitation in the long-term.
Integration with BIM and CAMF It fully integrates with BIM and CAFM tools and SW, which allows for effective data management of building processes.
Reporting It offers detailed reports and outputs about building/construction conditions, costs for maintenance and other key indicators crucial for facility management.
Automatic processes It makes the administration and automatization of routine tasks easier connected to maintenance, which saves time and improves the FM team’s efficiency.
Maintenance planning It helps precisely schedule and plan for renewal and rehabilitation of construction parts/objects and technology to ensure the longest life cycle (lifespan).
Monitoring of life cycle It monitors the whole life cycle of each building and each construction part/object, which ensures better control over the maintenance and operations.

MaintBase therefore offers a complex solution for effective facility management with a key emphasis on maximal cost savings and lifespan of buildings.

MaintBase Outputs

  • Plan of maintenance and renewal: Detailed plan of maintenance and renewal of construction objects/buildings including time schedules, costs and resources. These plans may be flexibly adjusted according to the technical conditions of buildings and current needs.
  • Cost reports: Summary reports regarding the costs for maintenance, renewal and reconstruction of buildings, including the real and planned costs. These reports help monitor the efficiency of spent resources and adjust future budgets.
  • Predictive analyses: These outputs show possible future failures and the need for replacement or rehabilitations of selected parts. Using this data helps prevent crashes and optimize the time schedule of maintenance.
  • Lifecycle of buildings: Summary data about the lifecycles of buildings and their parts, including the planned lifespan of each part and technology helps effectively plan and prolong the lifecycle and lifespan.
  • Budgeting reports: Financial planning and prediction of future maintenance and rehabilitation costs for the whole lifecycle. This output enables planning of the long-term financial plan.
  • Detailed summary of FM actions: Reports of the done FM actions, including used materials, time schedule of actions and costs. This report helps optimize future maintenance and evaluate the efficiency of the actions taken.
  • Complex history of building: Detailed documentation about the whole building, including maintenance actions, renewals, modernizations, which helps keep up-to-date data about FM and operations.
  • Client requirements: MaintBase is flexible and adjustable according to the needs of any client. This includes individual maintenance plans, specific reports and/or integration into other SW tools. Therefore, MaintBase can be customized to specific projects/buildings/clients.

MaintBase is for

Consultants You can compare operational costs of various design options, which helps better take into account long-term costs and optimize the whole projects with regard to maintenance.
Building Managers You can have a tool for effective and automatic maintenance planning with a minimum of errors and disorders to improve long-term reliability of buildings.
FM Managers A user-friendly tool for complex management of maintenance, renewal and rehabilitation that helps you better plan, manage and maintain the costs.
Developers / Investors You can optimize investment and operational costs for the whole lifecycle, which increases the value of the investment and the project.
Flat Owners – Joint Owners You can check and see the costs and efficient maintenance of the whole building and each flat. You can determinate an adequate amount of contributions to the joint fund for maintenance.
Investment Directors You can better check the costs related to renewal and maintenance and prepare investment plans with an impact on the operations and maintenance costs.
Operation Directors You can control the operational costs and operations of each part, which helps minimize the risks of crashes and disorders and improves the efficiency of operations.
Economic Departments You can precisely predict and manage operational costs of the building, which helps better plan budgets and resources.
Technical Directors You can effectively manage technical conditions of buildings, their long-term reliability and decrease unplanned costs and failures.

Each of these target groups has its own specific needs, and MaintBase helps them optimize processes, minimize costs and improve efficiency of building maintenance and renewal.


We can send you our references upon a request.


ECMP, s.r.o.
Klimentská 2066/19
110 00, Praha 1

Contact us: |

+420 736 792 852